





English Guidance

3/11 Japan-Earthquake Information List

Lists of useful information that can be checked-off digitally and can also be printed out.



Useful information for the victims in the disaster stricken areas.

All topics can be viewed individually in a check-list format, and all information can be clipped as a Evernote notebook.

To retrieve information, click "Link to my account.



Disaster Message Boards & Person Finders


How to make and use substitutes for toilets


Toilet advice for the aged


Post Earthquake Psychological Care


How to avoid Venous Thrombosis


How to prepare for pets before a disaster strikes


How to take care of people with Autism in case of an Earthquake


How to handle Electricity and Electronics in case of an Earthquake (from Earthquake information website JIS)


The aged and what they must be careful of in shelters


How to handle hypothermia at shelters


Precautionary measures: Venous Thrombosis


How to prepare for the planned power stoppage- March 2011


For your safety(based on experience of the Hanshin Earthquake)


What to when bleeding starts


To avoid exposure to radiation


What to do when an earthquake strikes


What the aged should be careful of in shelters (for hygiene, to avoid infection)


List of Red Cross organizations: to send Donations and relief funds


How to assist the disabled【physically challenged (persons in wheelchairs)】


How to assist the disabled【mentally ill and challenged】


How to assist the disabled 【visually impaired】


How to assist the disabled【hearing impaired】


A request: Save Electricity


【Ibaraki Pref.】Hospitals accepting patients


Twitter Accounts: Government and Municipalities on 3/11 Earthquake stricken areas


Advice for mothers: with unborn or newborn children who have experienced an earthquake or flood disaster


Advice for Breastfeeding: to mothers and others who have experienced an earthquake and flood disaster


Emergency Essentials (Secondary Supplies)


Advice for the Aged: Everyday Life at the Shelter- physical activity


List of Child Care or Support for Women’s Health Center


Emergency Essentials(Survival Card/Primary necessities)


List of Child Care or Support for Women’s Health Center


Mental Health for the Earthquake victims(Useful Links)


[Advice for families] in stricken areas who have worries about their children(infants)


【Gambare Tohoku】Disaster related Safety inquiries and Information


Advice for the aged: Common health problems at shelters: Vein Thrombosis


[For upper grade children]Advice for families in a stricken area who have worry about their Children -- Check if your children are ok.


Twitter Tags: East Japan Crisis (Revised Version)


Advice for the aged (For family and others): Common health problems at shelters- development of serious cognitive impairment or delirium


Advice for the Aged: To victims


Advice for child care in a disaster - A check list for the Family's concerns


Mental Health for victim of a disaster(bipolar disorder or integration disorder syndrome)


【In case of a disaster: How to reach home safely】For schools/corporates with commuters


【To return home safely in case of a disaster】For individuals


Caution before/after planned power outage


Mental Health for victim of a disaster(PTSD/Mood disorders)


Medical Institutions which Provide Insulin - Japan Diabetes Society


This website has been created to collect information related to the 3/11 Earthquake in Japan by using the public and sharing functions provided by Nozbe and Evernote.

PublicNozbe Project (with the cooperation of Non-Profit Organization AIP), was formed by persons who volunteered via Facebook. All information provided have been confirmed its source and reliability by respected Members.

PublicNozbe Project also welcomes new members who wish to provide useful information. Please feel free to take part to be a part of the project.